A conservatory is a great addition to any home and can increase the sale value of your property. It can also be used for growing plants and offers a calming environment.
There are a lot of factors that can affect the cost of a new conservatory, so we will be looking at some of these in detail. We will also be providing some price estimates for a UPVC conservatory.
Dwarf Walls
The first thing to understand when comparing new conservatory costs is that you can save money by choosing a dwarf wall option. This will mean a much more insulated structure that’s also easier to maintain.
To build a dwarf wall, trench footings will be dug, then concrete poured and finally brick walls built to your required floor level. This is the most labour intensive method, which is why it’s best to get quotes from contractors that have been building conservatories for several years.
Once the base and dwarf walls are complete, your contractor will add the roof to finish off the structure. Remember that you’ll need a roof that can keep out the cold and in the warmth, so make sure to ask your contractor how a fully glazed conservatory compares in terms of insulation against a dwarf wall model. For a free no obligation quote simply fill in your details here and we will have local installers contact you with their prices, it’s completely free.
Glazed Walls
Glazing walls to your conservatory can be expensive. They can also be a good way to add style and appeal to your home. They can be painted or clad in timber, depending on what you want. They are also a great way to create an outdoor space that can be used for many different purposes.
A standard lean-to conservatory with a poly-carbonate roof will cost the least to construct. The price can increase for a more complex design, such as one that includes a kitchen.
The first step in constructing your conservatory is to dig out the floor area. This can be quite a big job and needs to be done correctly. A concrete base is then poured. This should be at least four courses below the current wet course of your house. This will help to reduce any problems with damp. Once the foundation is complete, a low dwarf wall should be built to support it.
A Kitchen Conservatory
A kitchen conservatory lets you extend your home in an interesting way. Whether you enjoy cooking and entertaining guests or simply like to sit down for family dinners, it’s a great way to make your house more homely.
The only drawback to this type of conservatory is the fact that cooking generates a lot of steam and condensation. It’s therefore important to plan the space with an expert to ensure there’s adequate ventilation.
This kind of extension will also need to be fitted with a kitchen worktop, sink and taps. It’s a good idea to have a power point and a TV co-axial point too. These are extra costs that can add up if not considered in advance. It’s also worth mentioning that your plumber will charge to unblock the existing plumbing in your house. On average, this should take around three hours. A plasterer will also be required to plaster the ceiling, which takes longer and is generally more expensive than a wall.
A Dining Room Conservatory
A conservatory dining room is a versatile addition to any home. The right furniture can make it a perfect place for informal meals or even family gatherings. There’s a wide range of options available, from simple wooden tables to fold-away furniture that saves space and can be easily stowed away when not in use.
Choose a low-emissivity glass for the conservatory windows, to reduce glare and keep things cool in summer. This also helps to mitigate heat loss and improves insulation, reducing heating bills.
Find out how much a particular trader charges for their work and consider their experience in this type of project. This will help you avoid unforeseen costs down the line, and ensure that the finished conservatory matches your expectations in terms of style, function and cost. Also check that they have the necessary accreditations, and are comfortable working to building regulations. This will ensure that your new space is safe and legal to use all year round.