October 18, 2024

Productive families are a key component of Saudi society. They have an important role to play in enhancing household economies, improving family economic status, and promoting gender equality.

This article analyzes family change in Saudi Arabia using published classified national-level data on fertility, marriage behavior, and other dimensions. It also outlines research needs in the area of family demography.
Gender roles

Traditionally, most Saudi households are led by men. However, this is a changing trend with many females taking on leadership roles in their homes during the COVID-19 pandemic. These women were responsible for managing the crisis within their families, and they did so successfully. They did this by demonstrating their social, psychological, and professional role in their families.

In the Saudi culture, family is a central pillar of society, and members often prioritize their families’ needs over their own. Moreover, there is a high emphasis on producing sons, which can lead to pressures for young girls to marry and produce children. This can result in adolescent girls suffering from depressive symptoms. Therefore, it is important to ensure that gender equality is promoted in family life to prevent these problems from occurring. This will promote the well-being of individuals and their families, as well as help in developing a more productive society. In addition, it will provide opportunities for extended families to collaborate more effectively and support each other in times of need.

The majority of families in Saudi Arabia are headed by males, although women increasingly are pursuing their education and professional careers over the expectation of marriage and children. Young men may indicate who they are interested in to their parents, who will then ‘arrange’ the marriage. Similarly, young women may have casual relationships before they settle down and will often pursue their careers for some time before asking their parents to marry them.

In some cases, men and women continue to remain unmarried beyond their reproductive age (El-Haddad, 2003). This has serious implications for family demography and may fuel a culture that is individualized and self-centered without family responsibility.

A Saudi woman must have a mahram all the time she is alive – a father, husband or brother, and can only leave the country with this person’s written permission. A man can have up to four wives, but he must meet shari’a requirements and treat each wife equally.
Family gatherings

In Saudi Arabia, the family is considered the nucleus of society. It is the first incubator of human capital, shaping an individual’s values and skills early on. It is also the first social institution to offer its members support and care.

The men of a family, as well as some distant relatives, often gather for a meeting called ‘majalis’ at the house of their eldest male relative. This is a time to discuss all sorts of things, from trivial gossip to serious issues. Women, on the other hand, may meet more casually to talk over coffee.

These gatherings allow people to reconnect with their families and meet new members of the extended family. Life is very fast paced, so if you don’t attend the family gatherings, you might miss out on important developments such as graduations, births, and deaths. In addition, it can help you understand the cultural and historical context of Saudi Arabia more closely.
Extended families

While the culture of Saudi Arabia is more individualistic than that of the Western world, family is still very important to most people. Productive families are the backbone of a society. They provide a foundation for stability and teach children important values and beliefs. These values will help them in their careers and in life.

In the past, many extended families lived together in large compounds outside of major cities. However, rapid urbanization has reduced these arrangements. As a result, families see each other less often and their ties are weaker. In addition, the government has been inserting itself into matters of kinship ties, which further undermines community cohesion.

In Saudi Arabia, the majority of households are headed by males. This is due to a combination of factors, including early marriage for women, universal marriage for men and women, and large age differences between spouses. However, this trend is changing. Family dynamics are shifting as a result of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030, which emphasizes a vibrant society.اسر منتجة الرياض

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